They do it to feel secure about their place in your life and to protect you.
They pick up on your emotions and match their mood to yours, making them excellent companions.
Chewing or urinating can indicate boredom, especially in active breeds. Mental games and exercise help keep them engaged.
Some dogs become extremely anxious when left alone. Training, canine antidepressants, and gradual departures can help.
Dogs can sense various illnesses, including seizures and low blood sugar, making them invaluable companions.
Pay attention to unusual behavior, as it can signal illness, especially changes in eating habits.
Dogs thrive on routines, but it's essential to vary the timing to maintain control over their schedule.
Use a firm tone and be direct when correcting behavior, as dogs respond better to tone than explanations.
Understand that your dog's motivations and learning process differ from humans, so tailor your training accordingly.