9 Signs Your Cat is Unhappy

If your usually easygoing cat starts displayingAggression can be triggered by pain, anxiety, or stress, and understanding the cause is crucial to help your cat.

1. Aggression

Cats communicate through body language. Look for signs of tension like a tucked tail, flattened ears, or an overall tense posture.

2. Changes in Body Language

Cats may spray to mark their territory or cope with stress. If your cat starts spraying your belongings or areas associated with missing loved ones, it can be a sign of unhappiness.

3. Spraying

Cats can react to unhappiness by either overeating or undereating. Monitor your cat's eating habits, especially if there's a sudden change in their usual pattern.

4. Altered Eating Habits

While cats often seek cozy hiding spots for relaxation, excessive hiding or hiding in new, unusual places can indicate unhappiness. If your cat refuses to come out even for their favorite activities, it's worth investigating the cause.

5. Increased Hiding

Unhappy cats tend to be more vocal. They may meow excessively or emit low-pitched, mournful yowls. Surprisingly, some unhappy cats might also purr loudly, using it as a form of self-comfort.

6. Verbalizations

Cats are known for their lengthy naps, but drastic changes in their sleep patterns can be a red flag. If your cat sleeps excessively or in unfamiliar locations, it may indicate that they are struggling emotionally.

7. Altered Sleeping Patterns

An unhappy cat might either groom excessively or neglect grooming altogether. A healthy cat maintains a regular grooming routine, so deviations from this norm can signal distress.

8. Changes in Grooming Habits

Scratching is a natural behavior for cats, but if your cat is scratching excessively, it could be a sign of restlessness or frustration. Pay attention to any increase in scratching activity, as it may reflect your cat's emotional state.

9. Excessive Scratching

Kia Seltos 2023