10 Fun Facts About Cats

Only about 2-5% of all cats are orange, and female orange cats are even rarer. This is because the orange color gene is linked to the X chromosome, and both parents must carry it for a female cat to be orange.

1. Rare Orange Females

Cats have only around 473 taste buds, far fewer than humans (9,000) or dogs (1,700). They can taste savory, salty, bitter, and sour flavors, but not sweets.

2. Limited Taste Buds

Cats don't get cavities like humans, but they can suffer from dental problems like resorptive lesions, gingivitis, and more. Regular dental care is crucial for their health.

3. No Cavities, Different Dental Woes

Many cats exhibit zoomies after using the litter box, often as a celebration. However, unusual bathroom behavior should be discussed with a veterinarian.

4. The Post-Litter Box Zoomies

Cat whiskers are highly sensitive, aiding in navigation and providing sensory information. Most cats have 12 whiskers on each cheek, and they love having their faces rubbed.

5. Whiskers

Cats are nearsighted but compensate with excellent night vision. Their eyes have special adaptations, allowing them to see in very low light conditions.

6. Near-Sighted but Great in the Dark

Despite their smaller brains, cats have about the same number of information-processing cells in their cerebral cortex as brown bears.

7. Comparable Brain Cells

Cats use their dewclaws, found on the inner wrist, for gripping when climbing or hunting. Regular trimming is essential.

8. Dewclaws as Gripping Tools

That adorable paunch on a cat's belly is a normal feature found in all cats, wild and domestic. It may serve various purposes, like protecting organs during fights or accommodating large meals.

9. Belly Pouch

When cats scratch furniture, they're marking their territory with scent glands on their feet. It's a way for them to say, "This is my space and my people."

10. Furniture Scratching